9th International Workshop on Lung Health

The “9th Edition of the International Workshop on Lung Health is scheduled in The Hague from January 20th to January 22nd, 2022.

The workshop will cover a wide range of topics in the field of respiratory medicine, such as respiratory infections, asthma, COPD and related pathologies. It will include key insights and updates on rare respiratory diseases like ILD, IPF, Bronchiectasis and NTM.

More time will be devoted to discussion, interaction and contribution from the audience with the reconfirmation of the following interactive formats:

  • The Future Health Leaders Mentoring Programme (FuHeL) will welcome 10 – 12 selected early career researchers and clinicians who will be accompanied during the whole congress experience on a “career mentoring” by 3 mentors of excellence; Professor Stefano Aliberti, Professor James Chalmers and Dr Amelia Shoemark. The mentors welcome your CV for application on the mentoring programme via https://www.lung-health.org/2022/?page_id=3337 before 15th November, 2021.
  • The Rising Stars Programme will give the opportunity to young clinicians and researchers worldwide to present their valuable work for the first time in front of an international audience and get suggestion from the faculty members.
  • Posters and on site session discussions will give the opportunity to attendees to share projects and results of the most recent  crucial world challenges in the Respiratory and related fields. The closing date for submission of absracts has been extended to the 25th October, 2021.

For more information on registration or to view the programme, click here